LOST IN PARADISE                                 BY SOPHIE HOU



About the Show


TVonet hosts yoocan- the Talent Show each year. It aims at Talent, confidence, dream and fun of youth.


YOOCAN is a stage for those who want the chance and opportunities to exhibit themselves, enhance their confidence and make their dream come true step by step.


The profile of outstanding participants will be introduced to the entertainment industry in china. YOOCAN will hold regular field trips to china. They will participate in the  local festivals, TV shows and other related activities.


The participants will provide their videos in a quality manner, either by their own, or by YOOCAN production Team. The videos will be posted on and judged by both public viewers and jury.


YOOCAN will outcome top 10 each month and make special edition on them. the live show will be held every season.


The show includes four sessions:

  • Register on line, or in person

  • Ballots by Public and Art jury

  • Top 10 Special

  • Live Show



Celebration Imaging Studio will hold the acqierement competition of BC Province in 2010.

Its slogan is Remember Youth, Remember Acqierement.

The competition is categorized into Junior group and Youth group, focusing on singing, dancing, performance and talk show. The public ballots and the finals will be referred to the movie production industry by CI Studio.

The competition includes four sessions:

  • Enrollment
  • Public Appraisal
  • To 20 Internet Live
  • Competition Live

    The winners will participate in the production either by CI Studio or Film Companies.

  • Viewers:


    | Singing |


     | By Viewers |

    | By Art Jury |


     | January |  February |

    | March |


     | Top 20 |


    Tel: (778)321-9312

